The Church

La Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, dopo la Cattedrale di San Lorenzo e l’ormai scomparsa Santa Maria del Ponte, è la chiesa più antica di Alba.

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Building of origins in the early dark ages (documents from 1229). In 1556 it was granted to use to the Augustinian monks who settled in and adjacent convent until 1801.
Rebuilt several times, from 1884 the building went under a major renovation, during which the floor level from the 17th century Church was raised a few feet and the coffered ceiling that can still be seen nowadays was constructed. The previous façade was also transformed.
The interior, in a basilica plan, keeps treasure of many works of art of great value: the Nursing Madonna by Barnaba da Modena from 1377; a seat made of walnut from 1429; Jesus and the Apostles by Gandolfino da Roreto from 1493 (from the Church of Saint Francis in Alba, demolished in 1814); the Adoration of the Child by Macrino d’Alba from 1508; the Madonna with Child from the circle of Macrino (16th century); the Baptism of Jesus Christ by Giovanni Antonio Molineri (around 1628-1630); the Madonna of Mount Carmel from the circle of Moncalvo (around 1628-1630); the Holy Family attributed to Sebastiano Taricco (end of 17th century).


Associazione culturale San Giovanni
Piazza Pertinace 4, 12051 Alba
CF 90044700046

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